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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Fallen Princesses - Strictly Irrelevant Saturday

I tend not to write on weekends.  Firstly, er,  it's the weekend and secondly, I feel like I'm the only person who stays in on a Saturday night and trawls through blogs while the boyfriend plays XBox (we are a very cosmopolitan and exciting couple).  Thirdly, I tend to get a bit frazzled looking at style-related news from Monday to Friday so by the time Saturday rolls around I'm in need of a fairly serious reboot.  Reboots are good.  Reboots are essential to a person's wellbeing.

So, either I have itchy typing fingers or the XBox is really getting to me but I am now blogging on a weekend.  Since a weekend is a break from the norm I won't be talking about style but things I like, things that make me go 'hmm' and probably a few cocktail recipes (fun fact about me #641 I'm a competent mixologist and have been tending bar since it was illegal for me to do so). 

Weekends will be strictly irrelevant - after all, everyone needs a break from the norm.

The picture below popped up in my feeds and I think any woman with a vested interest in feminism that clashes with a nostalgic love for Disney films will find this relevant. And a bit scary. Just what were these films supposed to teach us?

Image from Boing Boing

This reminds me a little of Dina Goldstein's somewhat disturbing series 'Fallen Princesses', which plonks the Disney Princesses straight in the real world and royally screws with any little girl's view that there might be a happily ever after.








Photos - Dina Goldstein