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Friday, January 7, 2011

My Personal Style Resolutions #8: Things I Fell In Love With Today

LolaDee is a crafty blogger and broadcasting student, with a love of vintage, photographs, personal style and pretty things who blogs about the things she falls in love with every day.

As I write this I'm drowning in a sea of shoes, dresses and a ridiculous amount of tights, in an attempt to de-clutter my wardrobe in time for the new year. I'm one of those freaks who lives by making lists, so this time of year is definitely my comfort-zone. Here are my personal style resolutions (these come sub-categorised under 'NY Resolutions: The Beautify-Me Part' in my resolutions list - because yes, my lists do have sub-categories... I did mention I'm a freak).

1. Dust off the sewing machine...
...that I bought this year with high hopes and subsequently never used, find some cute fabric and make, make, make! I've always wanted to make my own clothes and the new year seems like the perfect excuse. With my slightly (or, very) empty pockets and more time on my hands to create my own designs, I will be having fun drawing inspiration from high-street trends fused with vintage classics. Or at least that's the plan... I'm sure I will blog about the successes, but more often than that (probably) the many disasters.

2. Charity shops
Once again, taking inspiration from my weightless pockets, I will be regularly venturing into Cork's fine selection of charity shops, to find homeless - lufflies at cheap prices and also so I can stand on the moral high-ground for a few minutes in the knowledge that my well-spent money will in fact make a difference to someone somewhere.

3. Vintage
When I'm not making my own clothes or scoring bargains in charity shops, I hope to find some timeless treasures in some of Cork's vintage shops or online. I see good vintage as a worthy investment because if its lasted this long already, it will probably serve me well also. That and the fact that its unique and more often than not, completely adorable.

4. Wardrobe Remix
Finally, I want to make better and more versatile use of the clothes that I have. Lets face it, everyone's broke, so now the real fun is to be had in mixing and matching outfits based on what we already have and how we can accessorise to make them work for the season that's in it. If Sheena Matheiken of the Uniform Project can wear one dress every day for a year and still look amazing, then I think I can manage to make better use of my own wardrobe. Something tells me that this might call for a series of 'Wardrobe Remix' posts on the blog, which sounds like a fun challenge to me!


Thanks to Sarah for inviting me to post my personal style resolutions Have a wonderful 2011. I hope to see you stop by my blog in the new year.

LolaDee xoxo